Desklets are widgets that can be arranged over the desktop for a variety of uses like: updates, todo lists, weather, date and time, decorations, system profiling and much more.
Under the hood desklets are shell scripts like those executed from the command line but instead of outputting plain text in the terminal they render output over the desktop.
You can write your own desklets using simple terminal commands that output plain text or advanced multi-file projects that output fully rendered HTML, like mini-web pages on your desktop.
If you're a programmer you can create your own desklets but if not there is an easy to use interface to change parameters and styles.
Desklets comes prepackaged with numerous desklets you can use right out of the box without any programming experience necessary and because Desklets was designed for sharing the collection is always expanding.
- Write the code in the scripting language of your choice such as: Bash, PHP, Ruby, Python etc...
- Add any additional resources to the bundle like images, support files and command line utilities.
- Configure options to define the behavior and appearance of your script.
- Build the parameter list which your script may use.
- Battery Meter
- Calendar
- Date and Time
- Disk Usage
- iTunes Status
- System Info
- News
- Reminders (from Reminders.app)
- Events (from Calendar.app)
- Weather
- System "uptime" (time since last restart)
- Folder Size Monitor
You also get the following pre-made deskspaces.
 iTunes now playing and calendar |
 Local and international weather |
 News, events and reminders |